Sunday, November 14, 2010

Possibly Sailing

Two funerals in two weeks. Yesterday was Pigface's funeral, and I use that nickname as a term of endearment. There were hundreds of people there and the eulogy, by his godfather was moving and warm. The minister was less than stellar, and I find the traditions surrounding funerals strange. Though I guess they are for the mourners and not for the person in the casket. I just couldn't imagine Pigface ever wanting to have prayers said over him and have his relationship with his grandfather compared to Jesus and God. But, traditions provide structure, I suppose, and that's important when you are dealing with something that seems insurmountable.

On Thursday is my cousin's funeral. He had a heart attack and then went into a coma. I think it will be a smaller affair, but in some ways perhaps that makes it more intimate. I don't know.

I also saw the Russian. I went to his opening, and his show is really good. I was so proud of him I almost cried. It felt good to be there, to see him succeed, but also just to be around him without falling apart. Then I saw him last night and we had a good encounter as well. It was more...intimate. But it was equally warm and was a fitting bookend, I guess? I wasn't really ready to say goodbye, but now I know I am. He has met someone who makes him feel optimistic, and I think that is good. He told me he thinks I taught him how to care about people and that I will always have him to rely on, if I should need him. It was really nice.

Then, there is Art, which has snuck up on me and overwhelmed me with feelings I can't really process, but they bring me joy, so I am taking them. I guess he makes me feel optimistic.

Saw these two images and loved them both. They are not really related to this post, but, what the hey.

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